Friday, February 10, 2017

Immigration Operations in Texas

       On Friday, The Federal government has confirmed to a Texas congressman that specialized operations are being conducted in the Austin area to capture unauthorized immigrants that have criminal backgrounds. According, to American Statesman the targeted operations known as Cross Check are taking place in Central and South Texas. As of Thursday, Austin had detained at least 14 immigrants followed by detaining an additional 30 more the next day. Carlos Gutiérrez, Mexico’s consul general in Austin, said his office has seen a “clearly visible uptick” in detentions of Mexican immigrants by federal immigration. City Council Member Greg Casar called these actions “reprehensible” acts of “retribution” from Gov. Greg Abbott, and President Donald Trump, but many Americans feel like this is the government's retaliation for the “No ban, No wall” protests.

       This article is important for students to peruse because they need to be more aware of what’s going on around them, especially since this could potentially affect many families. These federal government officials are putting families, communities, and children in fear.

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