Friday, April 28, 2017

North Korea Nuclear Activity

In the article "U.S want more U.N Sanctions" Donald Trump and the Chinese President Xi Jinping have formal conversations regarding the actions of North Korea. Trumps expressed to Twitter that "when North Korea fired their nuclear missile, in which was unsuccessful, disrespected the Chinese President." American feels as if this issue should be resolved immediately, by ending its nuclear weapons programs period. But Trump feels as if these matters could be resolved by bargaining directly with North Korea.

Bargaining to me isn't what best for the nation, at least in my opinion. Trump has a very short temper and I feel like if an agreement can't be formed between the two nation's there would be catastrophic measures. If we look at the constant changes and issues that we've been facing since electing Mr.Trump, I believe its safe to say we all know bargaining about something that doesn't benefit him, isn't going to go well.

North Korea launched a missile, although it may have been unsuccessful what were their intentions? Who were their targets? Most of all what message were they trying to send? America feels as if it was a statement "to show its defiance of international power." Only to receive news Friday that North Korea will soon be able to strike the United States, therefore since this information was presented by the Security Council. I believe that Trump, should take the nation into consideration and eliminate the nuclear programs instead of bargaining. It seems to me that North Korea has their mind made up and have no intention in coming to an agreement with Trump.

Thus in "U.S want more U.N Sanctions" informs us of the threat from North Korea and how Donald Trump plans on resolving the matter, which is by bargaining. I don't totally agree with this resolution and apparently my fellow Americans don't either, so where do we go from here?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Governments Issue

America does have a war on drugs, as Langston Hill stated in his blog "My Problem With The Gov". Emphasizing that the war is simply stupid, and elaborating on the benefits of marijuana. Hill expressed his confusion on some of the states legalizing marijuana, but why not all? The government doesn't like losing I presume, although we've seen through the years that this war can not and will not be won. I believe that America has hope that in the war on drugs, no matter how long it takes that they will come out on top. I also believe that since a lot of people come to America for a better opportunities, its away for them to say "hey, we don't condone drugs here." Canada, Mexico, Italy, have all legalized weed, but yet thousands of people still move to America. I agree with Langston Hill regarding the war is stupid, and that marijuana has many uses. What about the overuse? I think that we only focus on the benefits, and how it can benefit us so much that, we don't look at the negative outcomes if marijuana is overused. How can society abuse the use of marijuana if legal, what negative effects could it have on America?

Therefore in "My Problem With The Gov" I do share the concept in which it portrays, but it also made me ask myself, what are the negative outcomes. How can legalizing marijuana in America make a negative impact on the nation?